Homeopathy is based on a 'whole person' approach
Homeopathy treats the person not the disease. Every disease affects each of us in our own individual way. A homeopath selects the most appropriate medicine based on the individual's specific symptoms and personal level of health.
Homeopathy is a whole medical system that originated in Germany over 200 years ago
Homeopathy operates on the law of nature - "Like Cures Like". This means that a substance (such as coffee) capable of producing certain affects when taken by a healthy human being (such as insomnia, restlessness and irritability) is capable of curing any illness that displays similar symptoms. A very minute amount of the substance is prescribed and it triggers a healing response in the body.
The intent of all homeopathics is to provide the body with what it needs to strengthen and balance itself
Health is the ability to respond and adapt to the environment around us, it is a dynamic state. In Homeopathy this self-regulatory ability is called the vital force and is the overarching energy that responds to stress and maintains homeostasis. Sometimes stress can become intense enough to override our bodies vital force and and as a result symptoms will arise. Stress can come in many different forms (e.g. physical, emotional, mental, nutritional, physical, or genetic predispositions) and each person reacts uniquely whether on the physical, emotional or mental levels. Safe, natural, and non-toxic homeopathic remedies are individually prescribed to strengthen and support the body’s vital force. It is based on the ‘knowing’ that the body is an intelligent organism and will always use its innate wisdom to rectify any imbalance, as long as it is given the appropriate substances.
Contact me to book a consultation.